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Common Waters Fund. 2014. “Science of Source Water Workshop Summary.”

Jantz, C.A., S.J. Goetz, P. Claggett, and D. Donato (2010). Modeling regional patterns of urbanization in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 34:1-16.

Jantz, C.A. S.A. Drzyzga, and M. Maret. 2014. Calibrating and validating a simulation model to identify drivers of urban land cover change in the Baltimore, MD metropolitan region. Land. 3(3): 1158-1179; doi:10.3390/land3031158.

Jantz, Claire and Leslie Morlock. 2011. “Modeling Urban Land Use Change in the Upper Delaware River Basin.”

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). 2014. “Stakeholder Engagement to Demonstrate Integrated Water Resources Science and Service (IWRSS) for River Basin Commissions in the Mid-Atlantic.” ERG contract #EAJ33C-09-CQ-0034.