ABOUT US -> Project Overview

The Delaware River Basin provides water resources for roughly 5% of the US population – over 15 million people. There are significant challenges facing water resources in the DRB including water quality, population growth and associated land cover change, emerging energy industries, and the potential for sea level rise, flooding, and drought with climate change.

To address these challenges and to account for an uncertain future, we aim to develop a land cover mapping, modeling, and monitoring system for the DRB in support of maintaining and restoring water resources. Learn more about our team, current grants & funding support, project updates, research products, and land use/land cover components:


High-resolution LiDAR-based land cover data for all 43 counties in the watershed


Connecting models of land cover change, climate change, hydrology, and tree species to explore development and environmental impacts


Feasibility Analysis: establishing a long-term land cover monitoring program